Sunday, May 24, 2009

Day 57

Today my best friend from high school came by to help me weed and paint. It also gave us time to catch up on years of news. She only lives about an hour north of here and yet we only manage to see each other about once a year. Let me think.. I'm 49.. we met at 14.. jeeze! That's a 35 year-old friendship! There was lots of catching up to do - and I dont'think we managed to get it all in.

I think I'm just about ready for the big wedding day. I've added curtains - the wind is a problem that a few well placed tie-backs should handle, the flower beds are mostly weeded, the decks are done, the trim is painted, the lawn is edged, the flowers are planted, the house is washed, the furniture is cleaned, the patio is scrubbed and I'm tired.

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