Thursday, June 25, 2009

710 days:13 hours:20 minutes

Goats say... "mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
I learned that today.

I want, I neeeeed this license plate..

However.. while viewing websites that carry things like this lovely license plate frame I notice there are a lot of references to the "crazy goat lady" and more about women and their goats.

It makes me wonder why, oh why, aren't men more involved in raising goats? Are goats a "girlie" livestock?

I do not EVER want to be referred to as the crazy goat lady.



  1. Men don't raise goats for the same reason they don't run daycares or (today, anyway) become priests. People will talk.

  2. Sorry. That was me above.

    I was going to put a plug for your blog out to my pals on FaceBook, but it occurred to me you may not be blogging to be read. Sounds weird, but I know a lot of people who blog just for friends and such. You mind? Just so you know, if your answer is, "Yes, I mind," than you are a crazy goat lady. No offense.

  3. I am going to be the crazy cat lady, so I think it is fine for you to be the crazy goat lady.
