Tuesday, July 7, 2009


My day started off with my mother informing she had been having chest pains. I started to call 911 - but she poo-poo'd it and wanted me to drive her to the hospital. Then there was a discussion of which hospital and by the time we finished she wasn't sure she had even had pains and she confessed that the "machine on the counter" was telling her she was having a heart attack and the people on the wall were all sharing THEIR heart attack stories... I worked from home today just to keep an eye on her (thank goodness I have a job that allows me to do that!) She seems to be fine and the pains she had were most likely just a bad dream.

Then she started looking for worms in the floor again. I told her she imagined them. When she was napping I found one (in the kitchen.. and it was a small catepillar.)

The looney bin is thriving!

On a non-looney bin note.. I'm so excited! My floor is here. I want to tear into the carpet right now! I've already mentioned that I don't do the whole "sit and wait" thing very well. And I don't. I know the razor knife is just a few yards away and it would be SO easy to cut into this carpet. I'm dying to see what is lurking underneath the surface.

But I will wait for Peter to come down to help. Maybe...


  1. How exciting! I love the new floor we put in last summer. I say go ahead with the razor knife. It should be much easier for your mom to find the worms now.

  2. You should come and help me.. :)
