Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Inger, The Traveling Goat

At work today something didn't go entirely my way (what a surprise!!) - I was locked out of the very program I was supposed to be managing. I sent an email to Darryl and Lori asking them if this was their way of sugggesting I find new employment... The following electronic conversation ensued.

Darryl: It’s about time you retire and focus on goats, donchya think?
Me: yes.. it is. I think I shall name my first one Inger.
Lori: can I borrow Inger to come and mow my lawn?
Me: I’ve been reading.. Goats are browsers not grazers. Sorry. And… Inger will be living near the Canadian border… want to haul her that far?
Darryl: Is she a pigmy…can we fit her in the trunk?

Lori: We can write a book called ”Inger, the Traveling Goat” and write all about her experiences traveling from the Canadian border to Salem. Then, a movie can be made and then we can all retire!
Darryl: Kind of like the traveling guitar. We can send her on to someone else when we’re done with her. There could be a blog – in SharePoint, of course – where everyone who gets her can write about her experiences while “browsing” their lawn.
She’d become the most famous goat in the world…even more famous than Dolly the Sheep.

The people I work with are so weird!


  1. Since goats are browsers, why don't you name one Mozilla?

  2. No, they're not weird, they're extraordinarily creative - like you! I love the whole idea. I'll be in charge of promoting.
