Friday, June 22, 2012

Rain rain go away!

The rain has been incessant and horrible this afternoon.  We were unable to get to any of the shelter building or fence finishing or anything.  Ahhh!

I took Cadbury and Chupa out to the pasture before the rain hit.  Chupa has decided I'm okay and allows me to rub her neck and scratch behind her ears - so long as I don't make an sudden scary movements.  Cadbury has decided my very special "camelid cookies" that I made for her are quite edible and tasty.  Yesterday she turned her nose up at them.  Getting them out to the pasture was a lesson in patience.  I just had to be persuasive and persistent and they eventually made the trek.

Once we got to the field, Chupa ran around and Cadbury filled her belly, or at least one of them, with fresh rye grass.  They were happy.  For about an hour.  Then the rain hit.  It hit hard.  I kept hoping it would stop but it didn't.  I know they can handle rain, but they had no place to get out of it and I felt bad.  I put on my rubber boots and my rain slicker and headed out to get them.  They were uncooperative.  Chupa, in fact, was impossible to round up.  I chased and cajoled and begged but she would have none of it.  I finally decided to lead Cadbury and hope that Chupa would follow.  That worked swell until I decided to go through the woods to get back.  Cadbury decided that was entirely unacceptable. No way was she going that way.  By that time I was soaked clear through and gave in.  We back-tracked, slogged through the mud puddles and under the clothes line and eventually made it back to their covered sheltered.

Here is an Alpaca lesson  (because I like to share what I learn)

  • When Alpacas sit down on the ground it's called "kush"    as in:  The Alpaca is in a kush position.
  • A baby Alpaca is called a cria.  Pronounced "cree-ah"

As if we don't have enough to keep us busy, I got Peter an early anniversary present.  A couple years ago He had a goose and a gander.  The goose was killed by a neighborhood dog and the poor gander has been mateless.  The gander has been making a pest of himself with the ducks.. and the drakes.. in ways we won't talk about in THIS forum!  So - I found a couple of girls for our gander. He needs to wait til they grow up but I think they will make fine brides for him.

The gander doesn't have a name.  He's just Goose - which isn't particularly accurate but it works.  I wonder if we should name these.  I like to name our animals.

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