Wednesday, September 24, 2014

We Can!

I have been taking an on-line food preservation course.  I'm not done yet, but I have completed enough of it that I am confident there is little chance I will kill us with botulism or other food born illness created by improper canning.  A fear that has kept me from doing any canning in the past.

I will finish the course because I covet the virtual certificate they will e-mail upon completion.

But canning season is NOW and I have no time to finish studying.

Must.  Can.  Now.

Tomatoes came ripe, the rain was forecast and there was no time to waste.  Peter picked them and turned them into sauce and I followed up with the canning following proper procedures.

Some of the tomatoes were turned into sun dried morsels and packed into garlic infused olive oil.

Cucumbers were turned into pickles.

The grapes were another joint project.  Although I started, Peter finished up with the picking, plucking, & washing.

Chardonnay grapes were turned into Chardonnay grape jelly.
Pinot Noir grapes were turned into Pinot Noir jelly.
Cabernet Sauvignon grapes were turned into Cabernet Sauvignon jelly.
Apples were turned into Apple Butter.

We have a field of pumpkin, a patch of butter nut squash, some acorn squash and green peppers still to process and lots more jelly to make.

I am thinking that there has to be a market for wine grape jellies.  Wouldn't you love to get a gift of Chardonnay jelly?  Or Pinot Grigio Jam?  I have been wanting to have a booth at the local farmers market.  The market starts in June but very few vegetables are ready by then.  Jelly should sell well, later in the season I could sell the usual garden fair like potatoes, onions and zucchini - plus maybe hostas and felted bags, fiber and hand spun yarn.  I have ideas.  Lots of them.  One day one of them will actually pay off.

In the mean time, we will be feasting on summer bounty all winter long.  yummmy!

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