Thursday, February 13, 2014

My Little Pasta Shop??

A few weeks ago a friend wanted to make home made pasta.  Being as I had experience at just such an activity, and I had a spare pasta machine (or two) I volunteered to show her the (spaghetti) ropes.

We had originally planned on having several other women joining us but last minute scheduling conflicts and sick children meant it was just the two of us.  We made basil fettuccine and a bit of angel hair pasta.  She fell in love with the process as well as the finished product and refused to give me my pasta maker back.  Harrumph.  I trust I will get it back when she get's her own.

She enthusiastically told some co workers about her delicious home made pasta and before you know we had a party.

Beth, Linda, Chris, Terry and I joined together to make pasta. Lots of pasta.

Someone piped up and said we should open a pasta shop and quit the post office drudgery.   I'm sure it wasn't the wine talking.

We had so much fun we are planning to get together and make soap in a month or so. I expect our next  idea will be "My Little Soap Shop!"

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