Sunday, September 26, 2010

Let there be egg!

One perfect, little, magnificent egg.

Today Lucy was behaving very oddly. She wasn't hanging around with the Carmens. She kept climbing on top of things (like the barbeque next to the window) and clucking and talking loudly. She had a lot to say too. I just wish I had known what she was talking about. Despite Lucy's obvious need to chat, Jill and I went off running errands and came back to find Lucy missing. The Carmens came to meet me but Lucy was no where to be found. I looked under the bushes. I called for her. I was beginning to panic. I looked in the night house and still no Lucy.

I called for Jill to come and help me look. My mind was racing, my imagination working overtime. .. something had come into the yard and killed her. She flew the coop and was wandering around the neighborhood. Any number of things could have happened to my beloved Lucy! The horrors my mind was concocting!

I was very worried and getting worrieder by the second!

Jill finally spied her nestled down in a box full of rocks in the pergola. She did not appear inclined to budge any time soon. We stood there staring at her, wondering what her problem was. She stared back. Then, as if to show us what she had done, she slowly stood up, and there, underneath her, nestled upon the rocks was an ever-so-lovely perfect little brown egg.

I'm so very excited. I can't bear to eat this first miraculous egg. It just seems wrong. I think, instead, I shall blow out the stuff inside and keep it. For posterity. Is that weird?

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