Sunday, October 3, 2010

Thanks for Breakfast Lucy!

Lucy has continued to work hard. The Carmen's not so much. Enough eggs were gathered by today to make breakfast. French Toast.

Jill told me she was frightened to eat them because they came from a chicken's butt.

If this were a movie this is where you would hear complete silence except for the crickets chirping in the distance.

Does she think eggs from a grocery store are man-made? She's a smart girl. I'm certain she knows better. She MUST know better. Mustn't she?

I made french toast anyway.

I have to admit, it was very hard for me to break her eggs. I feel bad. It's silly, but she worked so hard to make them.

This morning when she layed her egg she cackled and announced her magnificent fete like it was the biggest deal on the earth. I was afraid the nighbors would complain about the racket.

I heartlessly took it, cracked it open, whisked it and ate it.

And you know what? It was very tasty!

The egg yolks were very orange.

Jill broke down and had some french toast ala Lucy. She said she could taste the difference between Lucy eggs and store-bought eggs.

Now if the Carmens would just get busy I can really feast.

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