Monday, August 8, 2011

Sparky is such a... DOG!!

In the past I've made fun of my dog, Sparky.  She's been referred to as "the Princess." Because she's such a well.. Princess.

"Back in the city" she refused to go outside in the rain (water is very dangerous stuff you know!!).  She got picked on by 6 week old kitten.  She preferred pillows and beds to floors and ground.  She has cowered when cornered by the chickens.  She ate toast and jam for breakfast with my mom and got tired after three "runs" after her ball during a game of ball.

These days, that's all a thing of the past.  My 8 1/2 year old prissy, city dog is turning into a real dog.  A wild animal almost. 

She has discovered smells in the tall grass and follows them enthusiastically.  She wanders the north field with her nose to the ground chasing smells in and out of the brush and briars.  She walked THROUGH a mud puddle the other day!  She got her feet wet.  On purpose!  She happily rides in the car with her head hanging out the window and her ears flapping.

Yesterday we took her hiking.  She scrambled over rocks.  She walked across a bridge made of a fallen tree across a raging river (twice!).  She crossed a creek and then drank out of it!  She barked at a fox (she was telling it to watch out because she was a dog to be reconned with!). 

And.. She's lost weight - she almost has a loin.  Although - yesterday, I did over hear one rude little boy say to his mother:  "Look Mommy, a really fat dog!!"

If only that kid knew how far my princess dog has come!!

1 comment:

  1. It's not your fault Sparky. Bubble blowers have that affect on the thingsaround them!
