Monday, September 26, 2011

I need more fiber!

But before I go into that..  I FINALLY finished the socks I was working on.  Aren't they cute?  It helped that today was a very rainy and blustery day and I was cooped up inside.

Now, about that fiber.  Saturday Jill and I went to the Canby Flock and Fiber Festival.  I was on tactile overload.  I had to touch and feel and caress all the lovely merchandise.  Unlike so many places there were actual signs that said "please touch."  So I did.  I couldn't have helped myself anyway.  I wanted to dive into it head first. I wanted to roll around in some of the fiber. I purchased a big bag of natural cream colored alpaca roving.  In the animal barns there were alpacas, llamas, angora rabbits, romney sheep, black faced sheep, angora goats and my favorite, pygora goats.  I learned a lot from the goat breeders.  I still have a lot more to learn.

I have great plans for my alpaca fiber.  I'm going to spin some of it and ply it with some red alpaca I purchased several weeks ago and then make some really neat felted things.  The rest of it is going to be sacrificed as a dying experiment. 

Despite hours of fiber immersion on Saturday, I needed MORE.  I had not yet gotten my fiber fix.  Sunday morning I went back to Canby for the parking lot fiber sale.  I wanted to get my hands on some freshly sheared pygora fiber.  I wanted it all dirty and unwashed.  I wanted to experience the process from start (minus the shearing) to finish.  Unfortunately I was unable to find pygora.  In fact, I was almost unable to find the sale because, despite it's name it was not in the parking lot at all.  It was in the fair grounds arena.  I haven't quite figured that out.  Although I couldn't find pygora I was able to bring home some lovely brown and gray romney fiber.  I'll learn washing and carding with that. 

Fiber is good.

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