Friday, August 17, 2012


I'm going to wax poetic here.

I love my big brother.  I'm very lucky to have him in my life.  I was talking to someone today who is not nearly as lucky in the sibling department and it dawned on me how fortunate I am.

My brother and I are adopted.  The story goes that my parents were unable to have children and a co-worker of my mother's had an unmarried sister who was pregnant.  Unlike these days, that was not acceptable in the 1950's.  My parents were waiting at the hospital to adopt the baby (a boy) the day he was born.  My mother always said he was a gangly, hairy little thing that reminded her of a baby monkey and if she hadn't wanted a baby so bad she would have sent him back.  4 years later and after many attempts to adopt another child with repeated failures, a miracle happened.  The phone rang one day.  It turns out their son's biological mother was pregnant again.  My father's words were, "Well we can't let anyone else have it, can we?"  They were there waiting the day I was born as well.  According to her, I was a beautiful baby.  Hah!

I think my parents inability to have children of their own gave them a mind-set that we were the best things ever.  We were precious and treasured and miracles.  I can't speak for my brother but I think I kind of look at him the same way.  He is precious and treasured.

Well.  Enough of the heartfelt stuff.  Now on to business.  I have a job interview!  It's with the USPS delivering mail on a rural route.  I've applied and passed an on-line assessment test as well as a proctored test.  I also passed a mini-telephone interview today and now I have an interview scheduled for the 30th.  The job is for a 4 to 8 hour per week position.  I will get to drive one of those cool jeeps with the steering wheel on the right.  I'm actually quite excited about this job.  One day a week would be quite doable.  The pay is reasonable and it would give me a warm fuzzy feeling to go to work every day.. uh week.  Keep your fingers crossed for me!


  1. Oh...and yes...your brother is a keeper ;-) So is your sister-in-law!

  2. Jerry looks fantastic, especially being such an old geezer. He looks like the same guy from the last time I saw him, oh, 35 years ago or so. You both have great (gray-t) hair as well.

    Both my younger siblings have terrific thickets on their heads. Me, not so much, hence why I'm shaving my head these days. Apparently sharing the same parent is no guarantee of sweet locks.

    -- E.
