Friday, December 14, 2012

Oh Tannenbaum.... times 47

I've been having a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit this year (it seems to be a recurring theme).  At any rate about a week ago Peter dug out his 4 foot artificial Christmas tree from the back of the closet.  It came pre-strung with some white twinkly lights.  He finally got around to plugging it in yesterday.  I just didn't care.

This evening we went to see our friend Mary.  It's really hard not to get into the spirit of the holidays when you go see her.  You see.. she has this passion and it's Christmas.  She even named her daughter Holly.  Her passion though is really directed toward Christmas TREES.  When we arrived she greeted us with delicious hot cider (warming in a carafe suspended over a flame) and hors d'oeuvres.  Christmas music was piped throughout the house.  She really knows how to entertain.

A grass landing strip borders Mary's front yard.  It's 'garage' is an airplane hanger and the house is huge  The large garage is handy as she needs all the storage space to stash her decorations in during the off season.   You see, in her house she has 47 Christmas trees.  They come in sizes ranging from 2 or 3 feet to 18 feet.  Many are around 14 feet tall and they all have a theme.

She has a:

  1. White tree
  2. Blue tree
  3. Violet tree
  4. Green tree
  5. Red tree
  6. Pink tree
  7. Black tree
  8. Purple tree
  9. Gold tree
  10. Silver tree
  11. Angel tree
  12. Teddy bear tree
  13. Copper tree
  14. Snowman tree
  15. Nutcracker tree
  16. Undersea tree
  17. Victorian tree
  18. Candied fruit tree
  19. Tea cup tree
  20. Wild Animal tree
  21. Moose and Bear tree
  22. Scottish Tree
  23. Peacock tree
  24. Wreath tree
  25. Travel tree
  26. Garden tree
  27. Peppermint tree
  28. Sunflower tree
  29. Wilma's tree
  30. Jewelry tree
  31. Bathroom tree
  32. Snowed-in-for-a-week tree
  33. My Fair Lady tree
  34. Little Red Riding Hood Tree
.......and 13 more I can't recall the names of.  

Peacock Tree  - decorated in appropriate colors - all the peacock feathers were donated by Peter many years ago, when he had peacocks

Teddy Bear Tree  -  This tree is about 8 feet tall and has Teddy  Bears climbing up a ladder on one side.

Blue Tree - Peters favorite.  It's about 8 feet tall and exists because Mary had a blue chair and she needed something to go with it.  She doesn't really like blue.

Snowman Tree.  This tree is about 4 feet tall.

Copper Tree - this tree sits on a big wooden pedestal on her kitchen counter.  It's about 4  feet tall - but  the bottom of it is about 5 feet off thee ground.

Travel Tree - this tree is filled with mementos from her travels  throughout her life, including  postcards from across Europe from her best friend Wilma.

My Fair Lady Tree  

Violet Tree

Nutcracker Tree

White Tree

Teacup Tree  - filled with teacups and saucers from Mary's childhood

Undersea Tree
Bring on the fat man in the red suit.  I'm finally in the mood.


  1. My Thanks to friend Mary!!


  2. You didn't take a picture of the Sunflower Tree??
