Thursday, May 1, 2014

Fabulous Felting Fun

Ages ago I announced how much I love felting, and then I go spend all my time redoing floors, quilting and other assorted things.  It recently became clear to me that it was time to felt a little.  Or a lot maybe.

For the type of felting I find fascinating I must first knit the item. I found a pattern, bought some lovely wool and began to knit.  and knit and knit and knit.  Here is a photo of the knitted monstrosity.  It measures 36 inches.  Yikes!  (and aren't I wearing lovely socks?)

Pre-felted bag & my psychedelic socks

One spin through the washer left it about the 1/2 the size - but still not shaped right. It piqued the cat's interest though!

One washing

Another run through gave me something much closer, but still not quite right, and the cat is still fascinated by it.

Two washing
Here is where it get's dangerous.  Do I run it through again and possibly ruin it?  Do I stop now?  So much at risk.  So much unknown..

One more pass through the felting machine, also known as the washer, still left me unsatisfied.
It just isn't coming out the way I envisioned it.

Three washing

That's the thing about felting, you knit one thing and plan for it to turn into something else, but there are no guarantees.  It's pot luck.  It's best guess.  It's cross your fingers and hope for the best.  Kinda like life I guess.  Oh wow.  That's deep.  Really deep.

I have a friend who just doesn't get the whole knitted/felted bag/bowl thing.  She just looks at them and says, "why?"  I don't have an answer for her but I've discovered that these are the things I enjoy making.  I don't care to knit clothing.  Knitting scarves and mittens doesn't float my goat either.  These things make me happy so these things are what I'll make.

I'm hoping to put this one (and maybe some others) in a consignment shop and actually start selling my bowls and baskets and bags and totes.  Maybe someone else will find them interesting and be willing to pay for them.  Pay big too.  I have about $40.00 in yarn invested in this bag and I'm going to ask $80.00 I think.  I'm probably crazy.

Finally.  It's still not quite what I pictured in my head but it's close.  I'm hoping once it is complete dry and shaped it will be perfect.

Final bag & Sparky's toes

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