Sunday, April 1, 2012

Cinderella's Sneakers

Off we went to Portland this past weekend.  As usual these days we stayed with our friends in Portland.  They keep a pace that leaves me brealthless.  They have three children and are constantly on the go.  I managed to keep myself sprinting this weekend as well.

Saturday I was oh-so-fortunate to be able to spend some time with my BFF, Jean (aka Jeanie, aka Frizzlebritches) from grade school.  There was a time when she and I were inseparable.  My mom made us matching outfits even.  Blue shift dresses, white pumps, red and white beads.  People would ask if we were sisters.  Back in the day, we shared clothes, had sleep-overs and giggled late into the night.  I think we shall definately keep in better touch - there aren't many people you can say you've known for 40 years.

Our hosts invited Peter and I to go on separate adventures with them on Saturday night.  I was invited to a charity auction called Cinderella's Sneakers Gala Event

The idea was to dress formal.  Black tie formal and wear fun and funky sneakers and of course be so very comfortable you're willing to donate gobs of cash to their very worthy cause.  It absolutely was a worthy cause.  The event was to help the ARC of Clark County, an organization that helps disabled children and adults.   There was a silent auction as well as a live auction. There was food and wine and dancing and lots of fancy outfits and fun sneakers.  Cheryl (my friend) promised to dance with me but we just didn't manage to find the time during the evening.  Perhaps she was really backing out on her promise or perhaps we needed a bit more wine to follow through with that activitiy.  During the silent auction I bid on a hotel spa package.  I won and now suffer slightly from bidder's remorse - I really expected someone to out-bid my very modest opening bid.  But it's a good cause and I'm sure I can find someone to join me for a luxurious night in a luxurious hotel.  I don't think I'll suffer.

While I was off dancing and dining Peter went to a cigar and cognac tasting event.  He reports that the cigar smoking lifestyle was not really for him, but he enjoyed spending time with the "fellas."

It was a fun weekend but I have to admit I'm glad to be home and ready to fluff my nest and settle in for a spell.  I have things to do here that just aren't getting done.

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