I found out one of my friends used to milk her grandparents goats. That is so cool. I know an experienced goat milker and she is willing to show me how. She takes her current job (which has nothing to do with goats) and her reputation very seriously and she may not like people to know she ever milked a goat, or more likely, even knows me. I shall respect her anonymity and give her an alias.. She shall be called... Tara. She looks like a Tara. So.. anyway.. Tara has offered to help show me how to milk goats. I'm excited!
And then I was working on my knitting at lunch today when one of my favorite co-workers informed me SHE was an experienced knitter. She offered me encouragement and a few helpful hints. I shall name her Silvie I think.
Gosh I have good friends! (and they have such great names!)