Saturday, August 7, 2010

I love GoodWill

I so SCORED on knitting needles today. It was a bit of a grab bag. I paid $6.99 for this set. I couldn't tell what was what - and I certainly couldn't tell what was in the needle case. I bought them anyway. It was a gamble. How was I to know that inside the wrapped needle case was every size imaginable in double-pointed needles?? New those would probably cost close to $100.00. Although the colors are a bit mished and mashed - there were only three needles that didn't have mates in the standard needle sets. It was a steal!

I've been rethinking the "funky pink bicycle goal." Mostly because the following conversation took place the other day.
Peter: "Where are you going to ride your funky pink bicycle to?"
Me (trying to be particularly charming and future-wife-like..): "I will make you lunch and pedal down to your office every day and bring you a lunch made with love." (and I didn't even cough or gag saying it!)
Peter: "uh.. remember? I'm going to build a new office, connected to the house. That's not going to be a very long bike ride."
Me: "oh.. umm.. then I don't know where I'll ride my bike to."

So a funky pink bicycle with a cute basket and streamers on the handlebars may not be very useful. I'm not sure where I would go on it. I suppose I could make local goat shop deliveries with it. If the weather was not too hot, not too cold, not too windy. But blocks in his neighborhood are seriously 2 miles long. I couldn't travel more than a couple of blocks...

This bicycle thing may have to go. Perhaps a sturdy mountain bike to navigate the goat pasture and the laneway. That might be more practical.. but not near as cute or fun.


  1. Ride the bike to my house, silly.
    BTW...I want one too, we'll be the crazy ladies down the road with the pink bikes ;)

  2. Great idea Shelly. Perhaps you'll show me your lovely new kitchen!
