Monday, August 16, 2010

I suppose this means I should shave my legs..

I am teaching the chickens to eat out of my hands. I want them to be comfortable around me. They are horribly cute and follow me around the back yard. Tonight I sat down with them and fed them some chicken scratch. After they ate their fill, Lucy walked over to my bare legs and started wiping her face on them. I think the stubble felt good.. or.. they were wiping the cobwebs off their beaks. This video was shot a few minutes later. Lucy was very curious about the camera.

1 comment:

  1. O M G. They are getting BIG & still sooo cute!

    Shaving legs is so over rated, but I do it once a year just to keep the hair coming back. LOL.

    When do the eggs start happening?

    Lucy :)
