Monday, February 21, 2011

Disaster Recovery

 Peter came down this weekend.  It was a limbo weekend in that it didn't fall into the "every other weekend" scenario.  His neuroloy seminars in Portland have messed up our schedule something fierce.

It was wonderful to see him - and it was wonderful to abuse him.  I put him to work Saturday doing things I have been avoiding.  Several weeks ago my son shared with me that my mother had been storing stuff under the house.   A fact I was previously unaware of.  I just didn't want to go under there.  Not just because there are spiders and other assorted creepy crawlies - but because I didn't want to KNOW what my mother had thought to put under there.

Without too much begging from me, Peter headed "down under."  He retrieved dozens of bottles of water.  Bleach water, soapy water, drinking water.  There was also a plastic bin with supplies and a list of supplies contained within.  I wonder what kind of disaster she thought might befall us that two pencils, a small roll of electrical tape, paper bags and other assorted things would be helpful.  I noticed that she did not include blankets or warm clothing (I suppose on the theory that we had those throughout the house - but then we had dish towels as well..)

It also makes me wonder if this was part of her dementia or if this was generated from her life experiences, The depression, 9/11, and that sort of thing.  I wonder if my mother lived in fear.  I think she did.  I feel very sad that I did not recognize this side of her life.  Perhaps I could have helped.  I'm not sure how, but I know that living in fear that you will run out of toilet paper, or dish soap or that some disaster is going to befall you or a loved one every minute of the day is not a good thing.  It's good to be prepared but it's not so good to be afraid to live your life or allow others to live theirs.  I know that I will take that lesson forward with me.

After we cleared out under the house I drug Peter out to my garden shed, another one of my mothers domains that has sat untended for the better part of a year.  What a mess.  There had been a rat (A RAT!!!!) in there.  gah.   Rat poop, rat urine..  I was so disgusted.  I "let" Peter do most of the clearing out of the shed while I distracted myself with pruning back overgrown plants.  I did help throw stuff away and my garbage bin is now full to overflowing and it's apparent I will need to make another dump run soon.

The carpet measuring guy came by this morning, I'm headed out to get spackle and paint colors as well as pick linoleum for the bathrooms. 

The worst is over right?  Now it's just the fun stuff.

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