Sunday, February 6, 2011

Walk Lightly Grasshopper

I went north this weekend.  I know.  So what?  Well it was a spectacular event because for the first time, ever, I left my daughter home alone.  Not entirely alone, She had girlfriends stay with her and the parents of the girlfriends were in on the plan.  Safety in numbers I say.

Just the same, I was on a huge emotional roller coaster for most of the 6 hour drive.  Peter was warned and welcomed me to his house with a really big, safe hug and a glass of wine.  I was prepared to turn around and come home first thing Saturday morning if necessary  (I mean - how could she possibly be okay without me??) but darned if my daughter didn't report all was well and there was no need.  My spies assured me the house was still standing and there had been no wild party the night before.  I wasn't sure if I should feel happy or sad that she's growing up and didn't need me.  I'm still not sure!

After I was convinced all was well at my house on Saturday morning, Peter and I took a leisurely stroll through the north field.  Hand-in-hand we walked along the creek, commenting on the fullness.  It had been raining for days and everything was soggy and the creek was swollen.  An eagle screeched nearby.  Peter's ducks and goose frollicked and played in the pond.  It was so peaceful and pleasant.  It's where I belong. 

Next we headed across the field, through the middle, where Peter had tilled just before the rainy season started.

As we started across the field my feet stuck to ground and there was this seriously gloppy sucking noise with each step I took.  Then the sticking and sucking got worse.  The first couple steps had me just sticking to the ground, then I was sinking into my ankles with a sklurp sklurp with each step.  Then - all the way in to the top of my boots and my feet were completely stuck! I could pull my foot out - but that left my boot behind!  So I grabbed my boot and foot and pulled up.  Whew!  I got loose, but the next step was just as bad!  Peter suggested I "Walk lightly."  I don't know what that means but it wasn't working.  I mean.. I weigh what I weigh.  He has these built-in snow shoes for feet and wasn't having much trouble. 

I considered ways to distribute my weight, I could start crawling on my hands and knees (that would give me 4 points of contact but I was sure that wouldn't be enough.)  Then I thought of just laying down in the mud and muck and slithering through it like a snake.  Hmm.. that could be fun but not very practical.  Ultimately I decided to plod on.  And then I had this epiphany, I would run!  Less time on the ground would give my feet less time to sink and that would, ultimately, cause me to step lightly ( I think I was having a "Kung Fu" flashback - leave no foot prints on the rice paper grasshopper..).  So I got one foot loose and took off... sort of.  I had momentum, but the feet still got stuck.  Over I went - the forward momentum carrying me right down.  I caught myself, hands down in the muck.  Uck!

I went back to the sucking and sklurping and moving slowly through the field. Peter had to pull me out a couple times but I eventually made it.  Exhausted. 

As we moved into the woods to continue our survey of the property Peter's mother came up to me, gave me a big hug and said, "thank you!" 

I was puzzled.  Thanks for what?  I couldn't imagine what I had done that warranted that.

So I asked.  She said that I had given her the best entertainment ever as she watched me make my way across the gloppy field and she was thanking me for the excellent show.  She had been watching the whole thing through her living room window.

At least I made someone happy!


  1. I wish I had seen the show too. I had a great time just reading about it. Yucky stuff. Better skip that spot next time when it has been raining.

  2. Hmmm..maybe it's time to invent some double ditch walkers, something like a raft strapped to ones boot?
    Thanks for the offer to help! The sheets were draped over the furniture because the drywall is finally done in the dining room and we're up to the painting phase...almost done!
