Thursday, June 30, 2011

It's time!

According to my count down timer (down there at the bottom) I have zero days and seventeen hours left.

That's all until my goat shop dreams become reality.  In truth, that's not the way it's going to work at all.  But I do have 6 hours or so (end of work day) until I move to the next phase of my life, which is the beginning of making the goatshop dreams come to pass.

Today is my last day at my job.  At the moment I don't have any other employment lined up. But that's okay.  I have SO much to do.

I'm going to Hawaii - then it's home to Salem to grab the animals and off to Peter's for two weeks.  During those two weeks it'll be all about getting the houses ready for occupancy. Peter has spent the last 30 days getting the outside ready.  Now we need to turn our attention to the inside.

Then it's back here to Salem for my son's wedding and on the 25th of July it's the official move with the truck.

Where I'm going to live up there is still a bit up in the air.  I have my travel trailer - but I just can' imagine life in the trailer with a dog and cat.  Cozy!!

Now I must be off to work.  For the last time.  Talk about conflicting emotions!

1 comment:

  1. A blank page, new chapters to be written. How exciting is that?
