Thursday, October 13, 2011

Little House on the Ditch

Sometimes it feels like I live in the Little House on the Prairie.  I no longer go to an office.  I'm one of those "stay-at-home" people.  I've stepped back in time. 
  • I wash laundry and hang it on the line to dry.
  • I feed the chickens, ducks and guineas.  Soon I'll be feeding and milking goats as well.
  • I make dinner and I wear an apron!  The other day I roasted a chicken.  Today I turned the leftovers into chicken pot pie.  In the process I made chicken broth and will turn that into chicken noodle soup for tomorrow - and I'll make the noodles from scratch.
  • I go out to the garden and dig potatoes and vegetables to make that dinner.
  • Tomorrow I plan to do some canning.  I'm going to make sweet pickles and pickled beets.  Gotta get prepared  for the long hard winter.  I wish I had a root cellar.
  • I fetch water from the well  (okay.. not really - but I don't get water from the tap. I get it from the bottled water we keep that we get from an artesian well.)
  • I knit and spin and card wool.
  • There are salmon spawning in the ditch under our driveway bridge.
  • We do not have a microwave oven or a dishwasher.
I made pie crust for my chicken pot pie today.  No rolling pin to be found  (mine is still boxed up). I ended up using a wine bottle as a rolling pin.  It worked quite well. Yet another valuable use for a fine fruit by-product!

I'm not complaining.. not really.  It's just so completely different than my previous life or any life I could have imagined.

The other day I put on high heels to go to Thanksgiving dinner and I could barely walk in them.  It was very sad.

I'm hoping we're out of the batchelor pad by early November.  I'm sure it will all be better then.. Of course I'll still be knitting and carding and spinning and cooking and washing and feeding the chickens and..

I guess nothing is going to change.

That's good because actually, I like this new life.  I just wish I could still walk in heels!