Saturday, October 15, 2011


My brother told me I should blog more.  Apparently he doesn't realize I generally collapse into bed every  night with barely enough energy to brush my teeth.  I never, EVER lay in bed wishing I could fall asleep.  Jerry (my brother) seems to think that my grandchildren will be interested in what I'm saying here.  Maybe.

So here I go.. a bit of rambling created just for my brother and my future grandchildren.


Today was potato harvest day.  We've managed to dig 13 rows of 26.  That's like.. half.   This is a photo of one of the first potatoes I dug up today.  Perhaps not so appropriate for my grandchildren.  Haha..

Digging potatoes went something like this.  Scoop the hill to the right. Scoop the hill to the left.  Sift through the soil with bare hands to find the potato.  Place it in a pile.  Shovels and other implements can damage the spud.  We must do it by hand.  The hills, of course, are on the ground (I know.. duh, huh?)  but that means crawling through the field on hands and knees, unless of course you're suffering from a sore knee and a back (that's me.. after our adventures in roofing).   So my method was to sit with my legs out and the row between  them.  I would lean forward, scoop to the left, scoop to the right, find potatoes then scooch forward on my backside.  I left interesting butt prints in the soil and my overalls have seriously ground-in dirt.  Peter thinks that with enough time I would level the whole field.  Thank goodness we don't have THAT many potatoes to harvest.

Getting fixed

Peter fixed me today (my back that is).  It's fortunate I'm married to a chiropractor.  Chiropractic Neurologist actually.  We went to the office this evening and he treated me.  Chiropractic neurology is not your traditional chiropractic.  It involves stuff that doesn't seem relevant to the patient but is really important.  It has to do with the fact that the brain controls everything.  The stability of the spine and the muscles.  To increase spine and muscles strength, you need to strengthen or activate certain areas of the brain.  This activation is, of course, followed up with appropriate traditional chiropractic treatment. He had me looking at numbers, watching red squares, following a moving object.  By the time I got home I could pick up my shoes from the floor without a lot of whining. 

On our way to the office we passed a car.  It was on it's roof.  In the ditch about 1/4 mile south of our house.  We have salmon in that ditch.   Poor salmon!

Enough rambling for now.  I shall go brush my teeth now, if I have the energy.

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