Tuesday, January 10, 2012

bored with floors...

I admit it.  I'm bored.  I'm bored with floors.  I finally got the linoleum off the dining room floor.  There is still a nice layer of goo left behind that needs to be removed.  It was nice to see that the workers who put the goo down did a sloppy job.  It made the removal easier - in spots anyway.

Today we moved to the third and final room of this part of the flooring project (behind the door to the right of the wood stove).  My enthusiasm is waning.  I couldn't focus.  My hands hurt, my tools malfunctioned, My mood was discouraged.  After removing the carpet and making a feeble attempt at pulling up tack strips I did the only thing reasonable.  I took a nap.  It was a very nice nap too.  I curled up on the floor over a heat vent (one of my favorite places to nap) and slept.

When I woke I still lacked the staple and tack strip removal urge so I started picking at the wallpaper.  Much like the wallpaper in the batchelor pad, it was applied directly to the sheet rock.  I learned from my earlier experience that trying to remove it is useless.  My goal was just to remove the loose stuff.  I did pretty well.  I am quite puzzled though - there are places where there is wall paper on wall paper.  On wallpaper.  Three layers of wallpaper.  Just in places.  And it's all the same print.  I don't get it.

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