Saturday, March 23, 2013

Construction. Day 8?

Yeah - let's call it day 8.  It's really hard to tell because we've done a little bit here and a little bit there.

We've had a few problems.  The rain has been persistent and ugly.  I've had to work two days, Thursday Peter took an alpaca head to the face, resulting in a broken nose and I woke with a migraine this morning.  Needless to say, construction progress has slowed wwwwaaaayyyy down.

I have a photo though:

As you can see, the sun finally came out today and Peter was able to resume digging.  "We" want to dig all the top soil out and save it for raising the the future lawn.  We'll put junky old fill under the future parking pad.

Yesterday the weather was so crazy we had sun breaks, rain, hail storms and snow flurries.  Great fun for delivering mail.  It was a "take my rain coat and jacket off, put the jacket on, take the jacket off, put on the rain coat, put them both back on, take them off" kind of day.  The temperature was very fickle.

Today the weather was much better.  Sunny and warm - as long as you weren't hanging out in the shade.  I wish I had felt better and was able to help Peter more.  Instead I made muffins, cleaned the kitchen, napped,  sat staring into space, and I did manage to take the chicklets that have been living in our kitchen on their first outing into the big, wide world.  Sparky had to help me supervise.

The weather should be good like this for nearly a week.  Unfortunately I have to work 4 days out of five.  I'd rather be here than delivering mail but we have to do what we have to do.  I'm not really so much help with just digging anyway.  I'm sure he'll be fine without me.

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