Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm such a sucker

My vegetable garden is sooooo tiny I bought one of those upside down tomato plant pots to make the most of the room I have. Afterall.. I have one of these in the photo below..
It may work. I hope it works. The commercials indicate it will work. Then again, according to commercials, eating Dorito's will make me sexy and a G.I. Joe Action figure can actually rescue Barbie from an alien invasion...

I'm working on a bag for Jill. I wasn't going to show it to you.. but I'm afraid you won't believe I'm working on something. I really am. I'm knitting. and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting. . . I may actually get sick of knitting before I'm done with this thing (probably not.. but maybe!) Keep in mind that the squares on the floor are 12 inches. That makes this thing already about 18 inches long.. and I have SOOOOOOO much more to go. Then I will felt it.. then it will be much smaller with some shape and style. So I hope.. felting is such a big unknown...
The good news.. I think I have the knitting thing down. At least the basics. I'm already researching my next project. Peters mother gave me a bunch of wool to do with what I want.. but I can't decide what.. and Peter gave me yarn to knit him a hat.

1 comment:

  1. Please let me know if your topsy turvy upside down tomato planter works for you, we bought two last year and they didn't work for us at all!
