Monday, March 15, 2010

A person should not be allowed to have this much fun!

I had a l-o-n-g weekend!

I don't work Fridays and today was my "mandatory furlough" day. The state is broke and we all have to do our part to save a penny. What do you suppose I did with my long weekend? Of course I went to Peters! I left the kids home while I was away and this time they didn't try to burn the house down. Yay!

Saturday I slept in, had coffee and relaxed. I was lulled into a false sense of security. Before long Peter and I were filling and schlepping bags of river sand up a long hill. The asparagus needed sand. But first it needed weeding. The poor asparagus are now thriving. We worked longer and harder with some rototilling and wood cutting. In fact, we worked until I plead for mercy. Thank goodness it was granted. Despite my aching bones and muscles it was a good day. I don't feel like I missed my treadmill at all.

Sunday we went sight-seeing and had a picnic overlooking Lake Shannon. On the way we spotted a herd of elk. They were lovely! Our perch over the lake was from an abandoned Concrete Plant in Concrete, Washington. I have added better pictures.

Rant coming.. On the way to Concrete, we stopped at a DQ for ice cream. Peter and I both had a chocolate dip cone with chocolate ice cream. The ice cream had a slightly sour taste with a definite fizz to it. It scared us and we threw it out the car window (it's biodegadable!) On our way home we stopped by the DQ and mentioned the toxic ice cream. The woman behind the counter laughed and said that she often got complaints the day before the machine was scheduled to be cleaned. She said it wouldn't make us sick and offered to make us another one. We gracefully declined.

Don't you think if this was a REGULAR occurance they would move up the cleaning of the machine?

I just hate it when something keeps me from my icecream! My rants over now.

1 comment:

  1. Missed seeing you today. So happy that you were enjoying time together - just you TWO!! YEAH!! Isn't ice cream the BEST and yes I would have recommended that the DQ needs to update their procedures and not wait to be told that their ice cream tasted weird to motivate the machine cleaning. lame-OO <3 see ya tah-marah!
