Saturday, April 17, 2010

A and C

I would like to introuduce my Aunt Carmela & Uncle Art.

My Uncle Art is (was?) my father's brother. They've come up to visit my mother as well as the kids and I, I suppose.

I have to say, they are my favorite relatives. I would say that even if I didn't know my Aunt is a faithful reader of this blog. (Hi Aunt Carmela!).

Having my uncle around is kind of like having a little bit of my dad around. I miss him. He was a good man.

My uncle loves to help out around the house. He's helped me set tiles in a table, build furniture, rototill, and whenever he comes to visits, he fixes things. Today I artfully & subtly got him to lock the back door. He discovered it didn't work very well. What a surprise!

Then I told him I would make steak for dinner if he would fix the bbq.. (remember - my kids caught it on fire..)

Then there was the chair with the broken rung.. THAT was the chair he sat in for dinner. That was just luck.. I didn't plan that one at all.

They think they'll be able to stay until Monday or so. It's so nice to have them around and I'm so furtunate to have them in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Art and Carmela were always my favorites also... (Hi Aunt Carmela!). Medford was just far away enough that it was a wonderful get away. And the cousins were my favorites as well. Too bad that we are so spread out now.

    Our kids have a similar relationship with their Uncle Jack, Aunt Liz and their children. Liz is Susans sister in Marco Island.
