Saturday, May 29, 2010

Cluck cluck cluck

I'm north! Yay!

My last day at my "old" job was Thursday. Friday I headed north. I get to be here for an entire week! I've left kids to take care of kids. They should be fine.

Peter and I are helping out a friend of his who is unwell. We're sleeping at her house (so she is not alone at night) using sleeping bags. It's just like camping he says. Yes. EXACTLY like camping. I'm just sorry that the campfire in the middle of the living room caused such a problem. Kidding!

Yesterday, Peter's neighbor's dog came over and killed about 10 of his ducklings - and one of his geese. The term "bad dog" does not begin to cover the heinousness of this dog's crimes. Very very sad.

Today we went looking for new ducks - because 3 ducks aren't enough to do a duck's job. We found some. Not only that, but we found chickens. All kinds.

So guess what I did? Yes! I got THREE Rhode Island Red chicks. Aren't they cute??

My friend Lori suggested I name them all "Carmen." I think I shall. I like it. And she's right, I won't be able to tell them apart as they get bigger. They can all be Carmen.

We're going to build a chicken coop that I can take home. I should be eating Carmen eggs in early September. Hmm: omelets, soufle's, eggs benedict, bacon and eggs, scrambled eggs, eggs over easy, sunny side up!

Man.. I hope the neighbors don't call the police.

1 comment:

  1. ... and how goes the camping adventure?

    The Carmen's are adorable! ...but they don't look RED, are they really all the way from Rhode Island?

    :-) Lucy!
