Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Do we have chicks?

They were due to hatch in a few days and candling indicated that it was not to be. 5 of the 6 eggs showed nothing nearing chicken-dom - in fact showed they were just like they were 3 weeks ago. Additional exploration involving a bowl and the edge of the counter (yikes!) proved that, indeed, they were not to be chicks. There were a couple that looked like they had started to form chicks but for some reason had stopped growing very early on. It was very sad. The terror involved in purposely cracking them open.. not fun at all! We are still holding out hope for one egg. We can't see through it with a flash light. Maybe maybe maybe we will have ONE little chicky..

I've found myself too stressed to spin on either the wheel or with the
drop spindle successfully. It seems one must be at peace to spin fine yarn. I keep breaking my wool/yarn and cursing loudly. It's just adding to my stress so I have thrown myself into knitting. This is the bag my Aunt Carmela asked for. It's HUGE. I still need to attach the handle and felt it, but uh.. It's as big as a sweater!

The felting of this shall prove very interesting, much like I've come to expect from it. I love felting.. it's all so exciting!

News on the job front. There is nothing like being FORCED into the job market after years sitting about on my laurels (I should probably look up with that means exactly). It's forced me to evaluate skills, decide what I really want, grow my self confidence, etc.

Below are the jobs or leads I'm exploring and why..

Secretary, US Army (civilian position). I sent in my application this morning. It pays fairly well and would offer me the lovely opportunity to "take it easy." Not that secretarial work is easy, but it's not working where I have been going through the insanity I've experienced in the last couple years.

Trainer, Private Sector. This is doing exactly what I've been doing. It's a contract position that lasts one year (how perfect is that??) Problem is they want 2 years of Captivate experience. I have just under one. I've got our Agency Head Hunter (AHH) singing my praises and trying to get me an interview anyway.

Web Developer - another state agency. Again.. exactly what I've been doing for years. Good news - it would be a promotion! Bad news - I missed the deadline for applying. I had our AHH send them my resume and call them up and plead my case. We're waiting to hear back.

Trainer Coordinator - another state agency. I think I'd be good at this. I sent in an application for this on Monday.

Plus - next week I have two informational interviews with other agencies. GAH! I have nothing to wear for an interview! I need shoes! I need slacks! I need.. uh.. stomach medicine!

Wish me luck!

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