Friday, May 21, 2010

I have a pea! A bigger pea than I had before!

Oh my gosh! I still can't believe it's true. But it is. I've sent my applications & resume's out everywhere - almost. I had two interviews set up for next week.

Then yesterday I got a call, from out of the blue, from an old friend who has moved up in the political arena. He's now top dawg at a big swanky agency (one of the only ones I had NOT applied at). The conversation went something like this:

TD (top dawg): I hear you got laid off.
Me: it's true. I did.
TD: I have this project...
Me: tell me more
TD: blah blah blah blah, are you interested?
Me: Uh.. duh. yes! Even if I weren't laid off, I would quit my job to come and do this!
TD: well then.. be here Friday at 2:00 so we can discuss it more.

So I went. The project was not quite what he described. I said.. "I don't think you'd regret hiring me, but I don't know how to do that!"

Their response was, "Well, we like you and, Top Dawg said you could do it and we believe in you. We will hire you anyway." Then they told me the bad news.. it's limited duration and only guaranteed for a year.

uh.. HELLO!! Let's not forget the TYPoE! This is a match made in heaven.

Somebody pinch me.


  1. the stars were definetely in alignment for you! When do you start with the new gig?

  2. I am SO excited for you, Sharon!!! Yes, a second match made in heaven, Peter being the first! : )
