Saturday, September 26, 2009

76 trombones in the orchestra!

Only two trombones in this marching band though. Last night was my daughters big debut as a member of the McKay High School Marching Band, trombone #2.

I arranged for a "grammysitter" and off I went to the football game - primarily for the half-time. I have not been to a football game in 33 years (I did the math). Go Centennial Eagles!! The marching band was awesome. They've been having grueling practices for weeks and their work shows.

I really do need to learn to guard what I'm saying when I'm in public though and not just spew whatever words come to me like my mother does. Once mom said to me, in what she thought was a discreet tone, about a woman with a baby... "How can a girl that ugly have a baby?"

I can't get away with that. So here's MY story. When we first got there the cheerleaders were chanting, "Stetsman! Stetsman!" I took out my program, thinking Stetsman must be a key player and that they were cheering him on. No stetsman in the line-up. I said to my companion, loud enough to be heard over the din, Who's Stetsman? She said she didn't know.. perhaps they were saying "Statesman?" No.. that's our local newspaper. Finally, we figured out they were saying "Scotsman!" That's the name of the team! I said, (again, loudly so my friend could hear me) "They weren't very good cheerleaders if you couldn't understand what they were saying!" I got the real stink eye from this lady sitting in front of us.. It seemed she was the cheerleading coach. Ooops.

Then there was this little child sitting next to me. About three years old. Screaming with glee over the game. Jumping up and down. Having a blast. Absolutely piercing my eardrums with enthusiasm. Cutest little child. Long curly hair, Petite little features, huge sparkly earrings. I said to the mother.. "I love her enthusiasm!" Mother said to me. "he's a boy." and I got the stink eye from her too! I think I should stick to clapping.

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