Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Make it stop!

I have a song stuck in my head. It's been in there all day running about willy-nilly. (I suspect there is some empty space inside my head and it's picking up speed going around the corners). It started when I drove the car. The car which was playing Jill's choice in music. So.. not only do I have a song stuck in my head but it's one I don't recognize as well as one I don't particularly care for. The melody keeps playing over and over and over again. I can't make out the words. It's a woman's voice though. The tune goes something like this..

da da da da, da da da dada da.. recognize it?

I should go listen to something dramatically different just to shake it loose.

House news. The big fish died. I want to be sad, but inside I'm thinking one less fish tank to clean and one step closer to Goat Shop dreams! He was a very beautiful fish. A fancy goldfish that looked something like this... Only his eyes bugged out and his tail was frillier. I would have taken a picture but of course I didn't think of it until AFTER he died and he wasn't so pretty then. We are now down to one fish. A little black skirt tetra. I considered making it a double burial at sea.. but couldn't bring myself to it.

Mom was watching monkeys on TV yesterday. The TV wasn't on.. and I think she was trying to tell me they were ON the TV.. Like on top of it. I couldn't see them so I'm not really sure. I'm also back to being Susan today and thinks I have two daughters. Tomorrow, if all goes well, we're going to go look at a couple places she might want to live. If all goes well. It was the plan for today, but today didn't go well. Tomorrow will go well.

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