Monday, June 29, 2009

706:12:48 Vacation is just two days away!

I'm packing already. I always forget stuff so it's not a bad idea.. I'm still sure to forget something I need and will probably need to run out to the store but Peter lives about 15 miles from anything larger than a Safeway or Rite-aid so it really is best to plan ahead. I have learned that Safeway sells socks though.

I think I've got it this time, I'm taking EVERYTHING. I've ditched the traditional suitcase. I'm not going to mess around with the concept of "packing light." I've got the SUV in the garage (first time ever!) which is now a really big suitcase with wheels. I bet you're jealous.. huh Jewels??

I've already put in my knitting, my work boots (I understand my future includes slogging around in the ditch digging out weeds) and my overalls.

Somebody.. quick.. remind me again why I like going there?? ohhh.. that's right.. I love him. A lot.

1 comment:

  1. I love the new concept for packing you've developed. Just put them in nice, folded piles (motivation permitting)in various locations in the car and off ya go! Hey, I just realized, no train this time? I hope your time with Peter is relaxing and refreshing and fun. And we can tell you love him, no doubt about it!
