Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day 87 - miniature goats

I have been looking over my past postings and realize I've gotten..

a.. boring
b.. unfocused
c.. remiss regarding my knitting
d.. pessimistic

Now.. I admit.. it's been a rough couple weeks. Sophie died, Kyle graduated, Jill turned 16, I fell from the world's largest spruce tree, my mother continues to believe that worms live in her skin and the carpet...

But really.. it's time to completely snap out of it. Tara has been very good.. she's helping by continuing to send me goat news. I think she's nearly as excited by the goat idea as I am.

Today she sent me a web site that talks about different types of goats. I learned that miniature goats can make fine dairy goats. Miniature goats are so cute.. AND you can milk them. I wonder if you can put them up on a table when you do? Otherwise a person is sure to end up with a back ache in no time.

Time to get back to my knitting too!


  1. I would like you to blog more about your knitting too! I am a slacker and am still working on my first scarf...

  2. After reading every post, from beginning of the blog to the end, please allow me to say that this is a life well lived. While this blog may be cathartic for you, it is an accumulated epiphany for the reader. You've had a rough few weeks, and I hope writing this blog have provided some comfort. It certainly is a comfort to those who have found your words, be they friend or random surfer. Keep it going.
