Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The History of things

Today my mother became obsessed with sharing the history on everything in the house. She had, had, HAD to tell me where this came from, how old it was, how much it cost, who should get it, who I should hide it from as apparently, she KNEW "they" wanted it bad enough to steal it..

She could not be dissuaded from her monologue. She could not be distracted. I was trying to work on a project for the "exec-staff" that had a 5:00 deadline and she demanded I stop everything and listen to her tell stories about these things. So.. what could I do but listen? She dragged me out of the room we were in - because she didn't want the imaginary people listening and then started telling me her stories. The funny thing is she got so much of it wrong! I'm glad I remember the original stories of these thiings. I've been hearing about them for 50 years (shy of about a week!) I know them pretty well by now.

1 comment:

  1. LS,

    Love the video! I consider it a preview of coming events, since I will be there in a few days.

