Monday, July 6, 2009

699:13:07 (less that 700!)

I'm home again. I don't know if I've mentioned this before but I HATE saying goodbye.

I spent 5 days at Peters. On vacation. I took my two magazines. I took my knitting. I took my laptop. Did I have time for any of those things? Nope. I was busy roto-tilling, weeding, playing with kittens, working with the dog, adding nematodes to the potatoes, digging in the ditch, hiking (we hiked up to the Big 4 Ice Caves). The good news is I managed a few naps - some even on purpose.

I was visiting with Peter's mother one afternoon under the shade of an umbrella. While we visited she knitted. She doesn't care for knitting overly much. But she knits quickly, and without looking. I was very impressed. She told me the story of her knitting.

She was born in The Netherlands in 1925. Her family had heard a rumor of the coming hard times (Nazi occupation) and they stocked up on everything they could while they could. Which was a good thing because when the Germans came they took everything. Fortunately her mother had bought a lot of yarn and they were able to knit stockings and socks and clothes. She did a lot of knitting back then.

I asked her what she was going to do with the socks she was knitting, she said she would keep them and use them during the winter to keep her feet warm. Yesterday, the socks she knitted were waiting for me on Peter's doorstep.

I think I shall treasure these socks for a very long time.

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