Monday, July 13, 2009

What happens in Vegas

One of my best friends made me an offer today. Would I like to go to Vegas for a "Girls Weekend" to celebrate our 50th birthdays? Wow. There was a day when I would have jumped all over that! At first I did, too (habit I think). The first thing out of my mouth was "Sign me up!" And then reality set in. There is the airfare. The show prices (because I couldn't go to Vegas without seeing the Blue Man Group). Food and let's not forget the drinks. I really can't afford it. But then there is the whole "Peter/love of my life/guy I wanna grow old with" thing.

Back in my married days I used to sign up for races as far away as I could, just so I would have a reason to spend the night away from home. We (my girlfriends and I) used to go camping once a year. Just a bunch of women and their kids - because we always included the kids. We had a GREAT time. No stupid men. There was one woman that would never go because she didn't want to be apart from her husband for the weekend. They had been married for years and she didn't want to leave him for two days to hang with the girls. I just didn't get it.

I get it now. I really get it. And I like it.

On another topic. I think I've found Dr. Ass #2. My mother's cardiologist referred her to a neurologist (after our run-in with Dr. Ass #1). I called on Thursday and left a message. I had not heard back by 2:00 today so I called Sarah, the "appointment clerk" who said she must have called me or she would have a note about it because she doesn't throw the notes away unless she's followed up on them. hmm.. I wanted to ask her what we had talked about and how our conversation went but held my tongue. I did my best to put it behind me and explained why I was calling. She (Sarah - not the doctor) said "well that doesn't sound like a neurology issue, it sounds like she needs psychiatry."

That's when I let the crabby out. Why is this so darn difficult?? Why am I forced to just keep going around in circles???


  1. Go to Vegas! Really! Can I come too?

  2. If I were to go you ABSOLUTELY could go.. but really, I can't.

    Sorry to let you down.

  3. Makes me want to cry. I find you mature and heroic. And I'm not kidding.
