Friday, July 17, 2009

Floor me baby!

I'm ready to be floored! The room is cleared. I hope to post a series of photos showing the progress. Peter should get here about midnight and we start bright and early in the morning. No sleep for him!!! bwaa haa haaa!
Please feel free to stop by with a pitcher of margaritas about 4:00.. we will probably need them!

My life is so sad... I'm excited beyond belief for a floor.. man.. that's a little depressing.


  1. This will burn calories and tone those muscles too! Looking forward to seeing how it turns out, dahling. On a different subject, you have a drop-down for comment as: but I'm not in any of those groups, so I'm always gonna comment anonymously I guess. Sigh. How I love seeing my name in print . . .

  2. I have margaritas chillin' in the fridge. Speaking of margaritas - I ordered one at a restaurant last night, and he asked for ID. I was so excited. I think the new moisturizer I bought in France is working. ;)

  3. Anonymous could ALWAYS put your name in the body of the comment.. I'm just saying... :)
