Saturday, April 4, 2009

Day 9 - Peter's

Yesterday I spent much of the day taking my mom to dr. appointments.. then traveling north. Peter (that would be my totally awesome boyfriend) lives near the Canadian Border. Making this trip at the time of the day when you hit Tacoma at rush hour is not very clever. I spent an hour doing 20 miles an hour through Tacoma and then I crawled through Everett as well. AGH! But it (and he) is so very worth it.

Since there is about 325 miles between us and we both have so very many responsibilities at each of our homes, we have this deal.. when I go up to see him, I work for him on Saturdays. When he comes to see me, he works for me on Saturdays. That way neither of us really falls behind on our to-do lists, much.

Today I spent about 20 hours carrying about 80 pounds of weed killer on my back and then another 20 hours wrestling blackberries and cutting down pussy willows and burning them up. It was a good day. As I was getting scratched and mauled by the blackberry canes I thought none of this was working toward my TYPoE (as well as a lot of other things, including.. if I had goats.. they would LOVE to eat the blackberries!). But then it dawned on me that I can't make goat related advances every day, and that the simple fact that days progress get's me closer to my goal.

At lunch today we had home made soup. Peter is a master at cooking and feeds me well. I almost never have to cook when I'm there. The gin and tonic he drank with lunch is the only explanation I can give for why Peter tried to get the cat to ride the dog...

1 comment:

  1. Gin and tonic with lunch? Color me there!
    First commenter...wahooeeeee ;)
    Cool blog lady, your writing makes me smile.
