Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Is it wrong?

Is it wrong to drink wine with breakfast? If you're eating breakfast for dinner? I choose to believe it's not wrong.

The other day I yelled at my children. I hollered. I got ugly. I ranted. I raved. I cried. I need more help around here. I simply can't do it all. Nope.

Apparently my tirade had some impact. Yesterday I came home and the guinea pig cage had cleaned itself (maybe the pig was listening?). Last night my daughter got up from the dinner table, and without being asked, helped do the dishes. Today my son came home and mowed the back lawn. It's a MIRACLE! The problem is, he did not mow the front lawn. And he left a pile of grass clippings on the newly powerwashed pavement. And he buried the lawnmower under two bicycles and some trampolene parts. And then he split to parts unknown. How is that helpful??

So.. I had to unbury the lawnmower (a bicycle went flying through the air to crash upon the pavement) and then go finish mowing the lawn, clean up, then start dinner. Time was running out.. people were hungry. Eggs and potatoes and wine it was.

It makes me look forward to my goats!

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